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This is how the moonbird team keeps a cool head at work

September 20th, 2021,

3 min read

This is how the moonbird team keeps a cool head at workfeatured image

When you work in the dynamic environment of a start-up (as moonbird is), taking care of your mental health is of crucial importance. Of course this applies to any work environment: taking enough breaks, paying conscious attention to how you feel and creating a healthy work-life balance ensures that you stay resilient and keep enjoying your work. Here’s how we do this at moonbird.

Striving for a healthy balance

At moonbird we know all about the importance of taking good care of yourself. It's the only way to keep your calm in the hectic world we live in. For this very reason we created moonbird: a tool that makes relaxation, calming down and better sleep accessible to everyone. In an easy and fun way.

It is inevitable that we - as the moonbird team - also adopt a lifestyle that matches our mission. Both at work and privately. Stefanie Broes, the co-founder of moonbird, values this greatly:

“It’s our mission to make people feel better by breathing better. We therefore have the ambition to spread this mission worldwide, to which our small team is fully committed. But we also want to be a great organization to work for, with a warm atmosphere and open culture. A place where everyone gets the space he or she needs, where we work hard but also have fun, and where we also take enough moments of rest. It must be sustainable. This way, we’re able to continue to work with enthusiasm towards moonbird’s goal: to make a positive impact on the lives of others.”

How do you keep your calm and balance at work?

That’s the question. How can you make the best of it? How do you maintain a healthy balance for yourself, during and after work? We’d like to share how we do this at moonbird. Hopefully it can inspire you :)

#1. Two minute breath break during our morning call

If there is one thing we do each and every day: take a two minute breathing break at the start of our work day. At moonbird we alternately work from home or another location, and at the office. We don't see each other face to face every day, but we always check in with each other to know how everyone is doing and what's going on, wherever we are. Our daily morning call always ends with a moment of breathing together, in which we close our eyes and take a moment to ourselves in silence.

#2. Breaks where and whenever you need them

At moonbird we believe flexibility is super important. Together we work hard towards our goal, and at the same time there is room for everyone to organize their life in and around work in the best possible way. Do you need to stretch your legs a bit? Waiting for a package to be delivered to your home? An appointment with the dentist? No problem at all. Flexibility creates resilience.

#3. Laughter, drinks & team events

Connecting and socializing are very important ways to keep us human beings mentally and physically strong, we simply need each other. At moonbird we regularly find each other for a chat or laugh during work and our lunch breaks.

One fixed day per week everyone is asked (not required) to come to the office. In addition, we regularly spend quality time together, even outside working hours. For example, we go abroad with the entire team for our annual 4-day off-site. We spend a day meditating together, or go dancing at a festival (we love both). Other days, we enjoy a session with an external breathwork coach after work. Spending time together isn't just fun, it's very beneficial.

#4. Breathe with moonbird

This is a no-brainer, of course, we practice what we preach. Everyone in the team has his or her own favorite moment to breathe with moonbird - for example, Jonatan and Stefanie prefer to use it to doze off to sleep, Elisabeth uses it to relax before an important presentation and Nikki likes to spend her evenings relaxing with moonbird and a good series or book. That we all use it for more relaxation in our lives, that's for sure.

Curious why we are so enthusiastic about moonbird? Try it yourself for 30 days, without obligation. Not satisfied? You’ll receive your money back. Because we’re only happy when you are :) Click here for more information.

P.S. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates.

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Calm breathing is an effective way to reduce anxiety, improve sleep and lower stress levels. It helps to get stress out of your body and calms your mind. Let moonbird guide you: easy, intuitive and effective.

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