The road with the most resistance is the one to take - Maxime Onsia
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Happy breathing!
Time to read 4 min
In our busy and often hectic world, consciously seeking ways to relax is essential to stay well-balanced. The question is: how do you do that? We ask experts to share their tips & tricks with us. Maxime Onsia, physiotherapist, lifestyle coach (orthomolecular therapy), yoga teacher and stress coach at Prana Health, helps people get out of their heads and into their bodies so they can live on their inner strength.
Maxime: "I coach people with chronic, psychosomatic complaints on a daily basis. I help them to get out of their heads and into their bodies so they can live on their inner strength. I focus on food, mindset, movement, breathing.... everything that makes us human.”
“Why do I do what I do? Let's call it passion: bringing people back in touch with their inner strength, the self-healing force. My passion grew from a personal story. I feel I am here to inspire and guide people. I see it more and more, people are removed from their true SELF and then complaints arise. Living from your feelings, from your body, that's what happiness and health is all about. By means of a supportive lifestyle we are taken back to our roots. It helps us to find balance. The beauty of my profession is that I can act from my intuition. I gained knowledge in different fields (physiotherapy, stress and relaxation management, yoga, orthomolecular therapy). Each field holds their own story and experiences. They come together in my treatments like pieces of a puzzle, and no patient is the same. When I see how people can find peace, make self-care decisions and go through life more energetically, I feel happy in my heart."
"Over the years, I have become more and more in touch with my body. I sense a lot (sometimes positive and sometimes negative) and therefore notice when things become too much. Little energy, very hungry, digestive complaints.... These are all signals for me. They occur when I 'rest' in a way that doesn't support me at that moment. For example, watching TV instead of going for a walk. Or when I'm doing things I don't like to do. My mind is almost always on and those thoughts can trigger me too. Hello monkey mind! At times like that, it's hard to be gentle with myself, but hey, I'm only human too and I learn from every situation." What do you do when you notice this?
Maxime: "I really enjoy listening to mantras or similar music. I then get completely carried away and can let go of everything for a while. I also find a lot of peace in nature. It's where we come from. Preferably in a forest. Of course, breathing exercises also help me a lot, as does yoga. But at times when I am struggling, I experience great resistance just because I know it can trigger a lot. The road with the most resistance is the one to take, I always tell my patients. In terms of breathing, I usually resort to calm abdominal breathing. In terms of yoga, it's a bit freestyle. Whatever comes into mind at the time, it depends on how my body wants to move. Yin or vinyasa. I don't really have a set structure in my days as they are variable due to my work. I start every morning with breathing or meditation and besides that I move every day. How? That varies."
"As I said, I start every morning with a breathing exercise or meditation. This is to tune in with myself. Then I start the day with some exercise or a nice breakfast. On Mondays, I have made it a habit to practice pendulum dowsing if I have questions for my subconscious and I draw an oracle card. This gives me an idea of what I should be working on that week." Maxime doesn't really have a set evening routine. "I just do whatever feels right."
"It's confronting, it brings calmness, gives me control, it allows me to let things go.... And so much more! Breathing exercises make me descend from my head into my body. Physically, it reduces tension, emotionally, I experience clarity and mentally, calmness arises. Professionally, I use breathing exercises to create the same effects on my patients. At first on a superficial level for prevention or treatment of complaints, but after a while, they start experiencing things on the deeper levels as well."
"I use my moonbird in the morning and evening to unwind. But it is also enriching in the context of heart coherence. It allows me to link my breathing to my heartbeat." Maxime therefore plans to use the moonbird in her treatments. "This way, I can let my patients experience their breathing in a practical way and get introduced to moonbird."
"I'm a fan of the tactile feedback. You feel your breathing going up and down, but through the expansion and contraction of the moonbird you also feel the pace you need to follow. Furthermore, I think that the readings for heart coherence (especially the HRV) are very fascinating, as it gives you objective feedback."
“Be you, do you, love you.”
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